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So your business is expanding and you’re looking for a new office! Your new premises will say a lot about you as a business, so it is important to find the right place and choose a building that will work for you.

Location, Location, Location

It is important to think about the location of your office. Firstly, try to see what the local labour market is like. If people in the area don’t have the skills you need, or the local transport links are so poor that your workforce wouldn’t be able to commute in, it is time to look for a different place.

Location is all about image, too. Are there plenty of local restaurants you can take your clients to? Is it an up and coming area? If so, your business could thrive here. The area you’re in will also determine if your building will be secure. If there are high crime rates in the area, it is best you look somewhere else.

Size is Everything

From a health and safety perspective, it is vital that you check your office is big enough. As a rule, you should make sure that your new office space has at least 70 square feet per person. But you know your business best. If you know that your staff need bigger desks and extra meeting rooms, make sure your new office space can accommodate this.

Personality Is King

Wherever you decide to set up your new office, make sure that your brand image shines through. Do you pride yourself on being slick, smart and efficient? Then it is important that your office reflects those values. Light, open spaces and modern decor will show your clients that you mean business.

Or do you feel it is it more important to show your customers that you have creative flair? If this is the case, choose an office where you can envisage your brand personality coming through. You should also decide how you will use each room. Hot desking spaces, creative spaces for ideation and spacious break rooms are just some of the ways you can use your space to emphasise your fun, creative spirit.

New Electricity Connections

Internet connections, lighting, computers, phone systems, heating, fridges — electricity powers so many of the devices in your office, so it is important to set up a safe and secure connection. If you are converting a building into new offices, or you are moving into a new place with an inadequate connection, it is likely that you will need to set up a new electricity connection.

There is a lot of work involved in setting up an electricity connection. The connection will need to be fully designed and planned out. Then, all of the relevant permits will need to be obtained before the work can begin. If these are not secured before work starts, you may be asked to remove the connection at your own expense.

When it comes to new electricity connections, it is important to rely on professionals who can help you with every step of the process. Here at Utility Smart, we pride ourselves on making sure that we do everything for our customers. From setting up the connection and obtaining planning permits, to relaying all of the groundwork, we do everything that is needed to make the process as quick as possible.

Gas Connections

It is just as important to make sure that you have a good gas connection. Gas helps to power so many of the devices in your office and most importantly, it helps everyone to feel happy and warm at work.

If you are moving into a new office, you may need a gas upgrade, or it may be the case that you need a new gas connection. To make sure that your connection is safe, professionals must draw up a design which meets all regulations, determine the kind of connection your office will need and secure all relevant permits.

It is likely that some excavation will need to take place, too. This will involve digging up the ground where your pipes will be laid, arranging traffic management for diversions and road closures and finally reinstating any land that has been excavated.

At Utility Smart, we take care of everything that is needed to set up your gas connection. Every customer is assigned one point of contact, who is specially trained to guide you through everything and make sure that your connection is set up in a matter of weeks.

There’s clearly a lot to think about when you’re looking for a new office! If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to setting up new gas and electricity connections, request a free quote or get in touch with us today so we can answer any questions you may have.